AG — Prof. Heiko Rieger — Statistical Physics

Heiko Rieger Professor of Theoretical Physics

phone:  +49-[0]681-302-3969
fax:  +49-[0]681-302-4899

Susanne Balzert
phone:   +49-[0]681-302-2423

Transport to the University

The physics department is located in buildings E2.6, C6.3 and C6.4. Heiko Rieger's research group is situated in building E2.6 on the fourth floor.

See also here (german only).
  • by car

    • via the autobahn A1 from the north from Trier
    • via the A6 from the east from Kaiserslautern
    • via the A620 from Luxemburg
    • via the A4/E50 from Metz or Strassbourg
  • by train/bus

    • via Koblenz/Trier (RE) from the north-west
    • via Mainz (RE) from the north-east
    • via Mannheim (ICE/IC/S-Bahn) from the east
    • via Metz or Strassbourg (ICE/RE) from France
    (see, From the main train station Saarbrücken take the bus lines 102 (direction "Dudweiler Dudoplatz), 112 or 124 (direction "University"). Exit at the bus stop "University Mensa".
  • by plane

    The airport Saarbrücken is approached from the following Cities: Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin THF, Leipzig, Dresden, München and Luxemburg.

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Map of the area

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