AG — Prof. Heiko Rieger — Statistical Physics

Vorlesungsankündigung SS 2024

VL Theoretische Physik III

(Quantenmechanik I)



  • Montags 14:00-16:00 oder Dienstags 14:00-16:00 oder Mittwochs 8:00-10:00.
  • Die Einteilung der Übungsgruppen erfolgt in der ersten Vorlesung am 17.04.2024.
  • Übungsblätter und weitere Informationen finden Sie im Moodle-Kurs.

Theoretisch-Physikalisches Seminar

Mittwoch, 11:15 bis 12:45
Geb. E2 6 - Seminarraum 4.18

17.4YangCoarse-grained modeling and simulation of conjugated polymers and its nanocomposite.
24.4SwarnajitEmergent Chirality and Hyperuniformity in an Active Mixture with Nonreciprocal Interactions.
8.5DenisOwn work.
15.5AdamMachine Learning Part II.
22.5HuguesNonequilibrium solvent response force: What happens if you push a Brownian particle.
5.6MarcChemotaxis of Cargo-Carrying Self-Propelled Particles / Dynamics of Bacteria Scanning a Porous Environment.
12.6JiwonEntropy production in the nonreciprocal Cahn-Hilliard model.
19.6AtulEntropy production of active particles and for particles in active baths.
26.6ZeinabDistortion and destruction of colloidal flocks in disordered environments.
10.7MatthieuNon-equilibrium glass transitions in driven and active matter.

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