AG — Prof. Heiko Rieger — Statistical Physics

Quantum XX-model with competing short- and long-range interactions: Phases and phase transitions in and out of equilibrium

F. Iglói, B. Blaß, G. Roósz, Heiko Rieger

We consider the quantum XX model in the presence of competing nearest-neighbor and global-range interactions, which is equivalent to a Bose-Hubbard model with cavity mediated global-range interactions in the hard-core boson limit. Using fermionic techniques the problem is solved exactly in one dimension in the thermodynamic limit. The ground state phase diagram consists of two ordered phases: ferromagnetic (F) and antiferromagnetic (AF), as well as an XY phase having quasi-long-range order. We have also studied quantum relaxation after sudden quenches. Quenching from the AF phase to the XY region remanent AF order is observed below a dynamical transition line. In the opposite quench, from the XY region to the AF phase beyond a static metastability line AF order arises on top of remanent XY quasi-long-range order, which corresponds to dynamically generated supersolid state in the equivalent Bose-Hubbard model with hard-core bosons.

[1] F. Iglói, B. Blaß, G. Roósz and H. Rieger
Quantum XX-model with competing short- and long-range interactions: Phases and phase transitions in and out of equilibrium
Phys. Rev. B 98, 184415 (2018) [pdf], [arXiv]

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