AG — Prof. Heiko Rieger — Statistical Physics

Reentrant random quantum Ising antiferromagnet

P. Lajkó, J. Ch. Anglès d'Auriac, Heiko Rieger, F. Iglói ,

We consider the quantum Ising chain with uniformly distributed random antiferromagnetic couplings (1 ≤ Ji ≤ 2) and uniformly distributed random transverse fields (Γ0 ≤ Γi ≤ 2Γ0) in the presence of a homogeneous longitudinal field, h. Using different numerical techniques (density-matrix renormalization group, combinatorial optimization, and strong disorder renormalization group methods) we explore the phase diagram, which consists of an ordered and a disordered phase. At one end of the transition line (h = 0, Γ0 = 1) there is an infinite disorder quantum fixed point, while at the other end (h = 2, Γ0 = 0) there is a classical random first-order transition point. Close to this fixed point, for h > 2 and Γ0 > 0 there is a reentrant ordered phase, which is the result of quantum fluctuations by means of an order through disorder phenomenon.

[1] P. Lajkó, J. Ch. Anglès d'Auriac, H. Rieger and F. Iglói
Reentrant Random Quantum Ising Antiferromagnet
Phys. Rev. B 101, 024203 (2020) [pdf], [arXiv]

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